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Jennifer (aka Jbjeep)

Repeat customer

Early Adopter

The good and the bad - front pocket carry on the mini-sheepsfoot.

Took a bad tumble in the ice and snow the other night. Things felt 'wrong' when I got up. First thought was "Oh crap, if I lost the knife in the deep snow it will be spring before I find it". The good was while the sheath was hanging out of my pocket, upside down (pocket inside out but still clipped in place), the knife was still firmly in place in the sheath. 😄

The bad is the following morning while hopping out of the Jeep in the snow, I 'dropped' the knife & sheath in the snow - hard packed snow at least - so I saw it. Later I realized that the clip edge had caught on the Jeep seat and torn it, and that is what pulled the clip open. 😫

Unknown member
20. Dez. 2022

Problem with anything that is exposed. It can snag. The ulti-clips have some of the strongest springs I’ve seen in about anything. Not surprised it was able to rip the seat. I've literally busted clips off of pocket knives, accidentally brushing against something. If you come up with a better solution for carrying them, I'd love to hear it. I think every method has pros and cons. For me personally, the ulti-clip in the front pocket is still my favorite.


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